In this page we list the equations, the variables and the parameters of the World3 model as described in Appendices A and B of the book Dynamics of growth in a finite world (1974) (our code also implement the model corresponding to each system of the entire World3 model as described in Chapter 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 of the book, but we do not list here the equations, the variables and the parameters of each such model).
System | # | Definition | Reference | Notes |
Population | 1 | $\mathtt{pop} = \mathtt{p1} + \mathtt{p2} + \mathtt{p3} + \mathtt{p4}$ | page 567 | |
Population | 2 | $\frac{d\mathtt{p1}}{dt} = \mathtt{br} - \mathtt{d1} - \mathtt{mat1}$ | page 567 | see initialisation of $\mathtt{p1}$ |
Population | 3 | $\mathtt{d1} = \mathtt{m1}\times\mathtt{p1}$ | page 567 | |
Population | 4 | $\mathtt{m1}=\mathit{interpolate}\left(\mathtt{le}\right)$ | page 567 | see table $\mathtt{m1}$ |
Population | 5 | $\mathtt{mat1} = \frac{1}{15}\times(1 - \mathtt{m1})\times\mathtt{p1}$ | page 567 | |
Population | 6 | $\frac{d\mathtt{p2}}{dt} = \mathtt{mat1} - \mathtt{d2} - \mathtt{mat2}$ | page 567 | see initialisation of $\mathtt{p2}$ |
Population | 7 | $\mathtt{d2} = \mathtt{m2}\times\mathtt{p2}$ | page 567 | |
Population | 8 | $\mathtt{m2}=\mathit{interpolate}\left(\mathtt{le}\right)$ | page 568 | see table $\mathtt{m2}$ |
Population | 9 | $\mathtt{mat2} = \frac{1}{30}\times(1 - \mathtt{m2})\times\mathtt{p2}$ | page 568 | |
Population | 10 | $\frac{d\mathtt{p3}}{dt} = \mathtt{mat2} - \mathtt{d3} - \mathtt{mat3}$ | page 568 | see initialisation of $\mathtt{p3}$ |
Population | 11 | $\mathtt{d3} = \mathtt{m3}\times\mathtt{p3}$ | page 568 | |
Population | 12 | $\mathtt{m3}=\mathit{interpolate}\left(\mathtt{le}\right)$ | page 568 | see table $\mathtt{m3}$ |
Population | 13 | $\mathtt{mat3} = \frac{1}{20}\times(1 - \mathtt{m3})\times\mathtt{p3}$ | page 568 | |
Population | 14 | $\frac{d\mathtt{p4}}{dt} = \mathtt{mat3} - \mathtt{d4}$ | page 568 | see initialisation of $\mathtt{p1=4}$ |
Population | 15 | $\mathtt{d4} = \mathtt{m4}\times\mathtt{p4}$ | page 568 | |
Population | 16 | $\mathtt{m4}=\mathit{interpolate}\left(\mathtt{le}\right)$ | page 568 | see table $\mathtt{m4}$ |
Population | 17 | $\mathtt{d}=\mathtt{d1}+\mathtt{d2}+\mathtt{d3}+\mathtt{d4}$ | page 568 | $\mathtt{dr}$ in our code |
Population | 18 | $\mathtt{cdr}=1000\times\frac{\mathtt{d}}{\mathtt{pop}}$ | page 568 | |
Population | 19 | $\mathtt{le}=\mathtt{len}\times\mathtt{lmf}\times\mathtt{lmhs}\times\mathtt{lmp}\times\mathtt{lmc}$ | page 568 | see value of $\mathtt{len}$ |
Population | 20 | $\mathtt{lmf}=\mathit{interpolate}\left(\frac{\mathtt{fpc}}{\mathtt{sfpc}}\right)$ | page 569 | see table $\mathtt{lmf}$ |
Population | 21 | $\mathtt{hsapc}=\mathit{interpolate}\left(\mathtt{sopc}\right)$ | page 569 | see table $\mathtt{hsapc}$ |
Population | 22 | $\frac{d\mathtt{ehspc}}{dt}=\frac{\mathtt{hsapc}-\mathtt{ehspc}}{\mathtt{hsid}}$ | page 569 | see value of $\mathtt{hsid}$ |
Population | 23 | $ \mathtt{lmhs}=clip(\mathtt{lmhs2},\mathtt{lmhs1},t,\mathtt{iphst}) $ | page 569 | see value of $\mathtt{iphst}$ |
Population | 24 | $\mathtt{lmhs1}=\mathit{interpolate}(\mathtt{ehspc})$ | page 569 | see table $\mathtt{lmhs1}$ |
Population | 25 | $\mathtt{lmhs2}=\mathit{interpolate}(\mathtt{ehspc})$ | page 569 | see table $\mathtt{lmhs2}$ |
Population | 26 | $\mathtt{fpu}=\mathit{interpolate}(\mathtt{pop})$ | page 569 | see table $\mathtt{fpu}$ |
Population | 27 | $\mathtt{cmi}=\mathit{interpolate}(\mathtt{iopc})$ | page 569 | see table $\mathtt{cmi}$ |
Population | 28 | $\mathtt{lmc}=1-\mathtt{cmi}\times\mathtt{fpu}$ | page 570 | |
Population | 29 | $\mathtt{lmp}=\mathit{interpolate}(\mathtt{ppolx})$ | page 570 | see table $\mathtt{lmp}$ |
Population | 30 | $ \mathtt{b}=clip(\mathtt{d},\frac{\mathtt{tf}\times\mathtt{p2}\times0.5}{\mathtt{rlt}},t,\mathtt{pet}) $ | page 570 | $\mathtt{br}$ in our code, see values of $\mathtt{rlt}$ and $\mathtt{pet}$ |
Population | 31 | $\mathtt{cbr}=1000\times\frac{\mathtt{b}}{\mathtt{pop}}$ | page 570 | |
Population | 32 | $\mathtt{lmp}=\mathit{min}(\mathtt{mtf}, \mathtt{mtf}\times(1-\mathtt{fce})+\mathtt{dtf}\times\mathtt{fce})$ | page 570 | |
Population | 33 | $\mathtt{mtf}=\mathtt{mtfn}\times\mathtt{fm}$ | page 570 | see value of $\mathtt{mtfn}$ |
Population | 34 | $\mathtt{fm}=\mathit{interpolate}(\mathtt{le})$ | page 570 | see table $\mathtt{fm}$ |
Population | 35 | $\mathtt{dtf}=\mathtt{dcfs}\times\mathtt{cmple}$ | page 570 | |
Population | 36 | $\mathtt{cmple}=\mathit{interpolate}(\mathtt{ple})$ | page 570 | see table $\mathtt{cmple}$ |
Population | 37 | $\frac{d\mathtt{ple}}{dt}=3\times\frac{\mathtt{ple2}-\mathtt{ple}}{\mathtt{lpd}}$ | page 571 | see value of $\mathtt{lpd}$ |
Population | 37 | $\frac{d\mathtt{ple2}}{dt}=3\times\frac{\mathtt{ple1}-\mathtt{ple2}}{\mathtt{lpd}}$ | page 571 | see value of $\mathtt{lpd}$ |
Population | 37 | $\frac{d\mathtt{ple1}}{dt}=3\times\frac{\mathtt{le}-\mathtt{ple1}}{\mathtt{lpd}}$ | page 571 | see value of $\mathtt{lpd}$ |
Population | 38 | $ \mathtt{dcfs}=clip(2,\mathtt{dcfsn}\times\mathtt{frsn}\times\mathtt{sfsn},t,\mathtt{zpgt}) $ | page 571 | see values of $\mathtt{dcfsn}$ and $\mathtt{zpgt}$ |
Population | 39 | $\mathtt{sfsn}=\mathit{interpolate}(\mathtt{diopc})$ | page 571 | see table $\mathtt{sfsn}$ |
Population | 40 | $\frac{d\mathtt{diopc}}{dt}=3\times\frac{\mathtt{diopc2}-\mathtt{diopc}}{\mathtt{sad}}$ | page 571 | see value of $\mathtt{sad}$ |
Population | 40 | $\frac{d\mathtt{diopc2}}{dt}=3\times\frac{\mathtt{diopc1}-\mathtt{diopc2}}{\mathtt{sad}}$ | page 571 | see value of $\mathtt{sad}$ |
Population | 40 | $\frac{d\mathtt{diopc1}}{dt}=3\times\frac{\mathtt{iopc}-\mathtt{diopc1}}{\mathtt{sad}}$ | page 571 | see value of $\mathtt{sad}$ |
Population | 41 | $\mathtt{frsn}=\mathit{interpolate}(\mathtt{fie})$ | page 571 | see table $\mathtt{frsn}$ and initialisation of $\mathtt{frsn}$ |
Population | 42 | $\mathtt{fie}=\frac{\mathtt{iopc}-\mathtt{aiopc}}{\mathtt{aiopc}}$ | page 571 | |
Population | 43 | $\frac{d\mathtt{aiopc}}{dt}=\frac{\mathtt{iopc}-\mathtt{aiopc}}{\mathtt{ieat}}$ | page 571 | see value of $\mathtt{ieat}$ |
Population | 44 | $\mathtt{nfc}=\frac{\mathtt{mtf}}{\mathtt{dtf}}-1$ | page 571 | |
Population | 45 | $\mathtt{fce}=clip(1,\mathit{interpolate}(\mathtt{fcfpc}),t,\mathtt{fcest})$ | page 571 | see table $\mathtt{fce}$ and value of $\mathtt{fcest}$ |
Population | 46 | $\frac{d\mathtt{fcfpc}}{dt}=3\times\frac{\mathtt{fcfpc2}-\mathtt{fcfpc}}{\mathtt{hsid}}$ | page 572 | see value of $\mathtt{hsid}$ |
Population | 46 | $\frac{d\mathtt{fcfpc2}}{dt}=3\times\frac{\mathtt{fcfpc1}-\mathtt{fcfpc2}}{\mathtt{hsid}}$ | page 572 | see value of $\mathtt{hsid}$ |
Population | 46 | $\frac{d\mathtt{fcfpc1}}{dt}=3\times\frac{\mathtt{fcapc}-\mathtt{fcfpc1}}{\mathtt{hsid}}$ | page 572 | see value of $\mathtt{hsid}$ |
Population | 47 | $\mathtt{fcapc}=\mathtt{fsafc}\times\mathtt{sopc}$ | page 572 | |
Population | 48 | $\mathtt{fsafc}=\mathit{interpolate}(\mathtt{nfc})$ | page 572 | see table $\mathtt{fsafc}$ |
Capital | 49 | $\mathtt{iopc}=\frac{\mathtt{io}}{\mathtt{pop}}$ | page 572 | |
Capital | 50 | $\mathtt{io}=\frac{\mathtt{ic}\times(1-\mathtt{fcaor})\times\mathtt{cuf}}{\mathtt{icor}}$ | page 572 | |
Capital | 51 | $\mathtt{fce}=clip(\mathtt{icor2},\mathtt{icor1},t,\mathtt{pyear})$ | page 572 | see values of $\mathtt{icor1}$, $\mathtt{icor2}$, and $\mathtt{pyear}$ |
Capital | 52 | $\frac{d\mathtt{ic}}{dt}=\mathtt{icir}-\mathtt{icdr}$ | page 572 | see initialisation of $\mathtt{ic}$ |
Capital | 53 | $\mathtt{icdr}=\frac{\mathtt{ic}}{\mathtt{alic}}$ | page 572 | |
Capital | 54 | $\mathtt{alic}=clip(\mathtt{alic2},\mathtt{alic1},t,\mathtt{pyear})$ | page 573 | see values of $\mathtt{alic1}$, $\mathtt{alic2}$, and $\mathtt{pyear}$ |
Capital | 55 | $\mathtt{icir}=\mathtt{io}\times\mathtt{fioai}$ | page 573 | |
Capital | 56 | $\mathtt{fioai}=1-\mathtt{fioaa}-\mathtt{fioas}-\mathtt{fioac}$ | page 573 | |
Capital | 57 | $\mathtt{fioac}=clip(\mathtt{fioacv},\mathtt{fioacc},t,\mathtt{iet})$ | page 573 | see value of $\mathtt{iet}$ |
Capital | 58 | $\mathtt{fioacc}=clip(\mathtt{fioac2},\mathtt{fioac1},t,\mathtt{pyear})$ | page 573 | see values of $\mathtt{fioac1}$, $\mathtt{fioac2}$, and $\mathtt{pyear}$ |
Capital | 59 | $\mathtt{fioacv}=\mathit{interpolate}\left(\frac{\mathtt{iopc}}{\mathtt{iopcd}}\right)$ | page 571 | see table $\mathtt{fioacv}$ |
Capital | 60 | $\mathtt{isopc}=clip(\mathtt{isopc2},\mathtt{isopc1},t,\mathtt{pyear})$ | page 573 | see value of $\mathtt{pyear}$ |
Capital | 61 | $\mathtt{isopc1}=\mathit{interpolate}(\mathtt{iopc})$ | page 573 | see table $\mathtt{isopc1}$ |
Capital | 62 | $\mathtt{isopc2}=\mathit{interpolate}(\mathtt{iopc})$ | page 574 | see table $\mathtt{isopc2}$ |
Capital | 63 | $\mathtt{fioas}=clip(\mathtt{fioas2},\mathtt{fioas1},t,\mathtt{pyear})$ | page 574 | see value of $\mathtt{pyear}$ |
Capital | 64 | $\mathtt{fioas1}=\mathit{interpolate}\left(\frac{\mathtt{sopc}}{\mathtt{isopc}}\right)$ | page 574 | see table $\mathtt{fioas1}$ |
Capital | 65 | $\mathtt{fioas2}=\mathit{interpolate}\left(\frac{\mathtt{sopc}}{\mathtt{isopc}}\right)$ | page 574 | see table $\mathtt{fioas2}$ |
Capital | 66 | $\mathtt{scir}=\mathtt{io}\times\mathtt{fioas}$ | page 574 | |
Capital | 67 | $\frac{d\mathtt{sc}}{dt}=\mathtt{scir}-\mathtt{scdr}$ | page 574 | see initialisation of $\mathtt{sc}$ |
Capital | 68 | $\mathtt{scdr}=\frac{\mathtt{sc}}{\mathtt{alsc}}$ | page 574 | |
Capital | 69 | $\mathtt{alsc}=clip(\mathtt{alsc2},\mathtt{alsc1},t,\mathtt{pyear})$ | page 574 | see values of $\mathtt{alsc1}$, $\mathtt{alsc2}$, and $\mathtt{pyear}$ |
Capital | 70 | $\mathtt{so}=\frac{\mathtt{sc}\times\mathtt{cuf}}{\mathtt{scor}}$ | page 575 | |
Capital | 71 | $\mathtt{sopc}=\frac{\mathtt{so}}{\mathtt{pop}}$ | page 575 | |
Capital | 72 | $\mathtt{scor}=clip(\mathtt{scor2},\mathtt{scor1},t,\mathtt{pyear})$ | page 575 | see values of $\mathtt{scor1}$, $\mathtt{scor2}$, and $\mathtt{pyear}$ |
Capital | 73 | $\mathtt{j}=\mathtt{pjis}+\mathtt{pjas}+\mathtt{pjss}$ | page 575 | |
Capital | 74 | $\mathtt{pjis}=\mathtt{ic}\times\mathtt{jpicu}$ | page 575 | |
Capital | 75 | $\mathtt{jpicu}=\mathit{interpolate}(\mathtt{iopc})\times0.001$ | page 575 | see table $\mathtt{jpicu}$ |
Capital | 76 | $\mathtt{pjss}=\mathtt{sc}\times\mathtt{jpscu}$ | page 575 | |
Capital | 77 | $\mathtt{jpscu}=\mathit{interpolate}(\mathtt{sopc})\times0.001$ | page 575 | see table $\mathtt{jpscu}$ |
Capital | 78 | $\mathtt{pjas}=\mathtt{jph}\times\mathtt{al}$ | page 575 | |
Capital | 79 | $\mathtt{jph}=\mathit{interpolate}(\mathtt{aiph})$ | page 575 | see table $\mathtt{jph}$ |
Capital | 80 | $\mathtt{lf}=(\mathtt{p2}+\mathtt{p3})\times\mathtt{lfpf}$ | page 575-6 | see value of $\mathtt{lfpf}$ |
Capital | 81 | $\mathtt{luf}=\frac{\mathtt{j}}{\mathtt{lf}}$ | page 576 | |
Capital | 82 | $\frac{d\mathtt{lufd}}{dt}=\frac{\mathtt{luf}-\mathtt{lufd}}{\mathtt{lufdt}}$ | page 576 | see value of $\mathtt{lufdt}$ |
Capital | 83 | $\mathtt{cuf}=\mathit{interpolate}(\mathtt{lufd})$ | page 576 | see table $\mathtt{cuf}$ and initialisation of $\mathtt{cuf}$ |
Agriculture | 84 | $\mathtt{lfc}=\frac{\mathtt{al}}{\mathtt{palt}}$ | page 576 | see value of $\mathtt{palt}$ |
Agriculture | 85 | $\frac{d\mathtt{al}}{dt}=\mathtt{ldr}-\mathtt{ler}-\mathtt{lrui}$ | page 576 | see initialisation of $\mathtt{al}$ |
Agriculture | 86 | $\frac{d\mathtt{pal}}{dt}=-\mathtt{ldr}$ | page 576 | see initialisation of $\mathtt{pal}$ |
Agriculture | 87 | $\mathtt{f}=\mathtt{ly}\times\mathtt{al}\times\mathtt{lfh}\times(1-\mathtt{pl})$ | page 576 | see values of $\mathtt{lfh}$ and $\mathtt{pl}$ |
Agriculture | 88 | $\mathtt{fpc}=\frac{\mathtt{f}}{\mathtt{pop}}$ | page 576 | |
Agriculture | 89 | $\mathtt{ifpc}=clip(\mathtt{ifpc2},\mathtt{ifpc1},t,\mathtt{pyear})$ | page 577 | see value of $\mathtt{pyear}$ |
Agriculture | 90 | $\mathtt{ifpc1}=\mathit{interpolate}(\mathtt{iopc})$ | page 577 | see table $\mathtt{ifpc1}$ |
Agriculture | 91 | $\mathtt{ifpc2}=\mathit{interpolate}(\mathtt{iopc})$ | page 577 | see table $\mathtt{ifpc2}$ |
Agriculture | 92 | $\mathtt{tai}=\mathtt{io}\times\mathtt{fioaa}$ | page 577 | |
Agriculture | 93 | $\mathtt{fioaa}=clip(\mathtt{fioaa2},\mathtt{fioaa1},t,\mathtt{pyear})$ | page 577 | see value of $\mathtt{pyear}$ |
Agriculture | 94 | $\mathtt{fioaa1}=\mathit{interpolate}\left(\frac{\mathtt{fpc}}{\mathtt{ifpc}}\right)$ | page 577 | see table $\mathtt{fioaa1}$ |
Agriculture | 95 | $\mathtt{fioaa2}=\mathit{interpolate}\left(\frac{\mathtt{fpc}}{\mathtt{ifpc}}\right)$ | page 577 | see table $\mathtt{fioaa2}$ |
Agriculture | 96 | $\mathtt{ldr}=\frac{\mathtt{tai}\times\mathtt{fiald}}{\mathtt{dcph}}$ | page 577 | |
Agriculture | 97 | $\mathtt{dcph}=\mathit{interpolate}\left(\frac{\mathtt{pal}}{\mathtt{palt}}\right)$ | page 578 | see table $\mathtt{dcph}$ |
Agriculture | 98 | $\mathtt{cai}=\mathtt{tai}\times(1-\mathtt{fiald})$ | page 578 | |
Agriculture | 99 | $\frac{d\mathtt{ai}}{dt}=\frac{\mathtt{cai}-\mathtt{ai}}{\mathtt{alai}}$ | page 578 | see initialisation of $\mathtt{ai}$ |
Agriculture | 100 | $\mathtt{alai}=clip(\mathtt{alai2},\mathtt{alai1},t,\mathtt{pyear})$ | page 578 | see values of $\mathtt{alai1}$, $\mathtt{alai2}$, and $\mathtt{pyear}$ |
Agriculture | 101 | $\mathtt{aiph}=\frac{\mathtt{ai}\times(1-\mathtt{falm})}{\mathtt{al}}$ | page 578 | |
Agriculture | 102 | $\mathtt{lymc}=\mathit{interpolate}(\mathtt{aiph})$ | page 578 | see table $\mathtt{lymc}$ |
Agriculture | 103 | $\mathtt{ly}=\mathtt{lyf}\times\mathtt{lfert}\times\mathtt{lymc}\times\mathtt{lymap}$ | page 578 | |
Agriculture | 104 | $\mathtt{lyf}=clip(\mathtt{lyf2},\mathtt{lyf1},t,\mathtt{pyear})$ | page 578 | see values of $\mathtt{lyf1}$, $\mathtt{lyf2}$, and $\mathtt{pyear}$ |
Agriculture | 105 | $\mathtt{lymap}=clip(\mathtt{lymap2},\mathtt{lymap1},t,\mathtt{pyear})$ | page 579 | see value of $\mathtt{pyear}$ |
Agriculture | 106 | $\mathtt{lymap1}=\mathit{interpolate}\left(\frac{\mathtt{io}}{\mathtt{io70}}\right)$ | page 579 | see table $\mathtt{lymap1}$ and value of $\mathtt{io70}$ |
Agriculture | 107 | $\mathtt{lymap2}=\mathit{interpolate}\left(\frac{\mathtt{io}}{\mathtt{io70}}\right)$ | page 579 | see table $\mathtt{lymap2}$ and value of $\mathtt{io70}$ |
Agriculture | 108 | $\mathtt{fiald}=\mathit{interpolate}\left(\frac{\mathtt{mpld}}{\mathtt{mpai}}\right)$ | page 579 | see table $\mathtt{fiald}$ |
Agriculture | 109 | $\mathtt{mpld}=\frac{\mathtt{ly}}{\mathtt{dcph}\times\mathtt{sd}}$ | page 579 | see value of $\mathtt{sd}$ |
Agriculture | 110 | $\mathtt{mpai}=\frac{\mathtt{alai}\times\mathtt{ly}\times\mathtt{mlymc}}{\mathtt{lymc}}$ | page 579 | |
Agriculture | 111 | $\mathtt{mlymc}=\mathit{interpolate}(\mathtt{aiph})$ | page 579 | see table $\mathtt{mlymc}$ |
Agriculture | 112 | $\mathtt{all}=\mathtt{alln}\times\mathtt{llmy}$ | page 580 | see value of $\mathtt{alln}$ |
Agriculture | 113 | $\mathtt{llmy}=clip(\mathtt{llmy2},\mathtt{llmy1},t,\mathtt{pyear})$ | page 580 | see value of $\mathtt{pyear}$ |
Agriculture | 114 | $\mathtt{llmy1}=\mathit{interpolate}\left(\frac{\mathtt{ly}}{\mathtt{ilf}}\right)$ | page 580 | see table $\mathtt{llmy1}$ |
Agriculture | 115 | $\mathtt{llmy2}=\mathit{interpolate}\left(\frac{\mathtt{ly}}{\mathtt{ilf}}\right)$ | page 580 | see table $\mathtt{llmy2}$ |
Agriculture | 116 | $\mathtt{ler}=\frac{\mathtt{al}}{\mathtt{all}}$ | page 580 | |
Agriculture | 117 | $\mathtt{uilpc}=\mathit{interpolate}(\mathtt{iopc})$ | page 580 | see table $\mathtt{uilpc}$ |
Agriculture | 118 | $\mathtt{uilr}=\mathtt{uilpc}\times\mathtt{pop}$ | page 580 | |
Agriculture | 119 | $\mathtt{lrui}=\mathit{max}\left(0,\frac{\mathtt{uilr}-\mathtt{uil}}{\mathtt{uildt}}\right)$ | page 580 | see value of $\mathtt{uildt}$ |
Agriculture | 120 | $\frac{d\mathtt{uil}}{dt}=\mathtt{lrui}$ | page 580 | see initialisation of $\mathtt{uil}$ |
Agriculture | 121 | $\frac{d\mathtt{lfert}}{dt}=\mathtt{lfr}-\mathtt{lfd}$ | page 581 | see initialisation of $\mathtt{lfert}$ |
Agriculture | 122 | $\mathtt{lfdr}=\mathit{interpolate}(\mathtt{ppolx})$ | page 581 | see table $\mathtt{lfdr}$ |
Agriculture | 123 | $\mathtt{lfd}=\mathtt{lfert}\times\mathtt{lfdr}$ | page 581 | |
Agriculture | 124 | $\mathtt{lfr}=\frac{\mathtt{ilf}-\mathtt{lfert}}{\mathtt{lfrt}}$ | page 581 | see value of $\mathtt{ilf}$ |
Agriculture | 125 | $\mathtt{lfrt}=\mathit{interpolate}(\mathtt{falm})$ | page 581 | see table $\mathtt{lfrt}$ |
Agriculture | 126 | $\mathtt{falm}=\mathit{interpolate}(\mathtt{pfr})$ | page 581 | see table $\mathtt{falm}$ |
Agriculture | 127 | $\mathtt{fr}=\frac{\mathtt{fpc}}{\mathtt{sfpc}}$ | page 581 | see value of $\mathtt{sfpc}$ |
Agriculture | 128 | $\frac{d\mathtt{pfr}}{dt}=\frac{\mathtt{fr}-\mathtt{pfr}}{\mathtt{fspd}}$ | page 581-2 | see initialisation of $\mathtt{pfr}$ and value of $\mathtt{fspd}$ |
Nonrenewable | 129 | $\frac{d\mathtt{nr}}{dt}=\mathtt{-nrur}$ | page 582 | see initialisation of $\mathtt{nr}$ |
Nonrenewable | 130 | $\mathtt{nrur}=\mathtt{pop}\times\mathtt{pcrum}\times\mathtt{nruf}$ | page 582 | |
Nonrenewable | 131 | $\mathtt{nruf}=clip(\mathtt{nruf2},\mathtt{nruf1},t,\mathtt{pyear})$ | page 582 | see values of $\mathtt{nruf1}$, $\mathtt{nruf2}$, and $\mathtt{pyear}$ |
Nonrenewable | 132 | $\mathtt{pcrum}=\mathit{interpolate}(\mathtt{iopc})$ | page 582 | see table $\mathtt{pcrum}$ |
Nonrenewable | 133 | $\mathtt{nrfr}=\frac{\mathtt{nr}}{\mathtt{nri}}\times\mathtt{nruf}$ | page 582 | see initialisation of $\mathtt{nr}$ |
Nonrenewable | 134 | $\mathtt{fcaor}=clip(\mathtt{fcaor2},\mathtt{fcaor1},t,\mathtt{pyear})$ | page 582 | see value of $\mathtt{pyear}$ |
Nonrenewable | 135 | $\mathtt{fcaor1}=\mathit{interpolate}(\mathtt{nrfr})$ | page 582 | see table $\mathtt{fcaor1}$ |
Nonrenewable | 136 | $\mathtt{fcaor2}=\mathit{interpolate}(\mathtt{nrfr})$ | page 582-3 | see table $\mathtt{fcaor2}$ |
Pollution | 137 | $\mathtt{ppgr}=(\mathtt{ppgio}+\mathtt{ppgao})\times\mathtt{ppgf}$ | page 583 | |
Pollution | 138 | $\mathtt{ppgf}=clip(\mathtt{ppgf2},\mathtt{ppgf1},t,\mathtt{pyear})$ | page 583 | see values of $\mathtt{ppgf2}$, $\mathtt{ppgf1}$, and $\mathtt{pyear}$ |
Pollution | 139 | $\mathtt{ppgio}=\mathtt{pcrum}\times\mathtt{pop}\times\mathtt{frpm}\times\mathtt{imef}\times\mathtt{imti}$ | page 583 | see values of $\mathtt{frpm}$, $\mathtt{imef}$, and $\mathtt{imti}$ |
Pollution | 140 | $\mathtt{ppgao}=\mathtt{aiph}\times\mathtt{al}\times\mathtt{fipm}\times\mathtt{amti}$ | page 583 | see values of $\mathtt{fipm}$ and $\mathtt{amti}$ |
Pollution | 141 | $\frac{d\mathtt{ppapr}}{dt}=3\times\frac{\mathtt{ppapr2}-\mathtt{ppapr}}{\mathtt{pptd}}$ | page 583 | see value of $\mathtt{pptd}$ |
Pollution | 141 | $\frac{d\mathtt{ppapr2}}{dt}=3\times\frac{\mathtt{ppapr1}-\mathtt{ppapr2}}{\mathtt{pptd}}$ | page 583 | see value of $\mathtt{pptd}$ |
Pollution | 141 | $\frac{d\mathtt{ppapr1}}{dt}=3\times\frac{\mathtt{ppgr}-\mathtt{ppapr1}}{\mathtt{pptd}}$ | page 583 | see value of $\mathtt{pptd}$ |
Pollution | 142 | $\frac{d\mathtt{ppol}}{dt}=\mathtt{ppapr}-\mathtt{ppasr}$ | page 583 | see initialisation of $\mathtt{ppol}$ |
Pollution | 143 | $\mathtt{ppolx}=\frac{\mathtt{ppol}}{\mathtt{ppol70}}$ | page 584 | see value of $\mathtt{ppol70}$ |
Pollution | 144 | $\mathtt{ppasr}=\frac{\mathtt{ppol}}{\mathtt{ahl}\times 1.4}$ | page 584 | |
Pollution | 145 | $\mathtt{ahlm}=\mathit{interpolate}(\mathtt{ppolx})$ | page 584 | see table $\mathtt{ahlm}$ |
Pollution | 146 | $\mathtt{ahl}=\mathtt{ahl70}\times\mathtt{ahlm}$ | page 584 | see value of $\mathtt{ahl70}$ |
Supplementary | 147 | $\mathtt{foa}=\frac{0.22\times\mathtt{f}}{0.22\times\mathtt{f}+\mathtt{so}+\mathtt{io}}$ | page 584 | |
Supplementary | 148 | $\mathtt{foi}=\frac{\mathtt{io}}{0.22\times\mathtt{f}+\mathtt{so}+\mathtt{io}}$ | page 584 | |
Supplementary | 149 | $\mathtt{fos}=\frac{\mathtt{so}}{0.22\times\mathtt{f}+\mathtt{so}+\mathtt{io}}$ | page 584 | |
Description | Name | Main subsystem | Other subsystems |
Population | pop | population | land_development , land_erosion_urban_industrial_use , industrial_subsector , service_subsector , non_renewable , persistent_pollution , birth_rate , death_rate |
Population, ages 0-14 | p1 | population | |
Population, ages 15-44 | p2 | population | job_subsector |
Population, ages 45-64 | p3 | population | job_subsector |
Population, ages 65+ | p4 | population | |
Deaths per year, ages 0-14 | d1 | population | |
Deaths per year, ages 15-44 | d2 | population | |
Deaths per year, ages 45-64 | d3 | population | |
Deaths per year, ages 65+ | d4 | population | |
Mortality, ages 0-14 | m1 | population | |
Mortality, ages 15-44 | m2 | population | |
Mortality, ages 45-64 | m3 | population | |
Mortality, ages 65+ | m4 | population | |
Maturation rate, age 14-15 | mat1 | population | |
Maturation rate, age 44-45 | mat2 | population | |
Maturation rate, age 64-65 | mat3 | population | |
Deaths per year | dr | death_rate | population |
Crude death rate | cdr | death_rate | |
Life expectancy | le | death_rate | birth_rate ,population |
Lifetime multiplier from food | lmf | death_rate | |
Health services allocations per capita | hsapc | death_rate | |
Effective health services per capita | ehspc | death_rate | |
Lifetime multiplier from health services | lmhs | death_rate | |
lmhs before time pyear | lmhs1 | death_rate | |
lmhs after time pyear | lmhs2 | death_rate | |
Fraction of population urban | fpu | death_rate | |
Crowding multiplier from industrialization | cmi | death_rate | |
Lifetime multiplier from crowding | lmc | death_rate | |
Lifetime multiplier from pollution | lmp | death_rate | |
Births per year | br | birth_rate | population |
Crude birth rate | cbr | birth_rate | |
Total fertility | tf | birth_rate | population |
Maximum total fertility | mtf | birth_rate | |
Fecundity multiplier | fm | birth_rate | |
Desired total fertility | dtf | birth_rate | |
Compensatory multiplier from perceived life expectancy | cmple | birth_rate | |
Perceived life expectancy | ple | birth_rate | |
| ple1 | birth_rate | |
| ple2 | birth_rate | |
Desired completed family size | dcfs | birth_rate | |
Social family size norm | sfsn | birth_rate | |
Delayed industrial output per capita | diopc | birth_rate | |
| diopc1 | birth_rate | |
| diopc2 | birth_rate | |
Family response to social norm | frsn | birth_rate | |
Family income expectation | fie | birth_rate | |
Averag industrial output per capita | aiopc | birth_rate | |
Need for fertility control | nfc | birth_rate | |
Fertility control effectiveness | fce | birth_rate | |
Fertility control facilities per capita | fcfpc | birth_rate | |
| fcfpc1 | birth_rate | |
| fcfpc2 | birth_rate | |
Fertility control allocations per capita | fcapc | birth_rate | |
Fraction of services allocated to fertility control | fsafc | birth_rate | |
Industrial output per capita | iopc | industrial_subsector | land_development , land_erosion_urban_industrial_use , job_subsector , service_subsector , non_renewable , birth_rate , death_rate |
Industrial output | io | industrial_subsector | agricultural_inputs , land_development , service_subsector , supplementary_equations |
Industrial capital-output ratio | icor | industrial_subsector | |
Industrial capital | ic | industrial_subsector | job_subsector |
Industrial capital depreciation rate | icdr | industrial_subsector | |
Average lifetime of industrial capital | alic | industrial_subsector | |
Industrial capital investment rate | icir | industrial_subsector | |
Fraction of industrial output allocated to industry | fioai | industrial_subsector | |
Fraction of industrial output allocated to consumption | fioac | industrial_subsector | |
fioac constant | fioacc | industrial_subsector | |
fioac variable | fioacv | industrial_subsector | |
Indicated service output per capita | isopc | service_subsector | |
isopc before pyear | isopc1 | service_subsector | |
isopc after pyear | isopc2 | service_subsector | |
Fraction of industrial output allocated to services | fioas | service_subsector | industrial_subsector |
fioas before pyear | fioas1 | service_subsector | |
fioas after pyear | fioas2 | service_subsector | |
Service capital investment rate | scir | service_subsector | |
Service capital | sc | service_subsector | job_subsector |
Service capital depreciation rate | scdr | service_subsector | |
Average lifetime of service capital | alsc | service_subsector | |
Service output | so | service_subsector | supplementary_equations |
Service output per capita | sopc | service_subsector | job_subsector , birth_rate , death_rate |
Service capital-output ratio | scor | service_subsector | |
Jobs | j | job_subsector | |
Potential jobs in industrial sector | pjis | job_subsector | |
Jobs per industrial capital unit | jpicu | job_subsector | |
Potential jobs in service sector | pjss | job_subsector | |
Jobs per service capital unit | jpscu | job_subsector | |
Potential jobs in agricultural sector | pjas | job_subsector | |
Jobs per hectare | jph | job_subsector | |
Labor force | lf | job_subsector | |
Labor utilization fraction | luf | job_subsector | |
Labor utilization fraction delayed | lufd | job_subsector | |
Capital utilization fraction | cuf | job_subsector | industrial_subsector , service_subsector |
Land fraction cultivated | lfc | land_development | |
Arable land | al | land_development | agricultural_inputs , land_erosion_urban_industrial_use , job_subsector , persistent_pollution |
Potentially arable land | pal | land_development | |
Food | f | land_development | supplementary_equations |
Food per capita | fpc | land_development | discontinuing_land_maintenance , death_rate |
Indicated food per capita | ifpc | land_development | |
ifpc before pyear | ifpc1 | land_development | |
ifpc after pyear | ifpc2 | land_development | |
Total agricultural investment | tai | land_development | agricultural_inputs |
Fraction of industral ouput allocated to agriculture | fioaa | land_development | industrial_subsector |
fioaa before pyear | fioaa1 | land_development | |
fioaa after pyear | fioaa2 | land_development | |
Land development rate | ldr | land_development | |
Development cost per hectare | dcph | land_development | investment_allocation_decision |
Current agricultural inputs | cai | agricultural_inputs | |
agricultural inputs | ai | agricultural_inputs | |
Average lifetime of agricultural inputs | alai | agricultural_inputs | investment_allocation_decision |
Agricultural inputs per hectare | aiph | agricultural_inputs | investment_allocation_decision , job_subsector , persistent_pollution |
Land yield multiplier from capital | lymc | agricultural_inputs | investment_allocation_decision |
Land yield | ly | agricultural_inputs | investment_allocation_decision , land_development , land_erosion_urban_industrial_use |
Land yield factor | lyf | agricultural_inputs | |
Land yield multiplier from air pollution | lymap | agricultural_inputs | |
lymap before pyear | lymap1 | agricultural_inputs | |
lymap after pyear | lymap2 | agricultural_inputs | |
Fraction of inputs allocated to land development | fiald | agricultural_inputs | investment_allocation_decision , land_development |
Marginal productivity of land development | mpld | investment_allocation_decision | |
Marginal productivity of agricultural inputs | mpai | investment_allocation_decision | |
Marginal land yield multiplier from capital | mlymc | investment_allocation_decision | |
Average life of land | all | land_erosion_urban_industrial_use | |
Land life multiplier from yeld | llmy | land_erosion_urban_industrial_use | |
llmy before pyear | llmy1 | land_erosion_urban_industrial_use | |
llmy after pyear | llmy2 | land_erosion_urban_industrial_use | |
Land erosion rate | ler | land_erosion_urban_industrial_use | land_development |
Urban-industrial land per capita | uilpc | land_erosion_urban_industrial_use | |
Urban-industrial land required | uilr | land_erosion_urban_industrial_use | |
Land removal from urban-industrial use | lrui | land_erosion_urban_industrial_use | land_development |
Urban-industrial land | uil | land_erosion_urban_industrial_use | |
Land fertility | lfert | land_fertility_degradation | agricultural_inputs , land_fertility_regeneration |
Land fertility degradation rate | lfdr | land_fertility_degradation | |
Land fertility degradation | lfd | land_fertility_degradation | |
Land fertility regeneration | lfr | land_fertility_regeneration | land_fertility_degradation |
Land fertility regeneration time | lfrt | land_fertility_regeneration | |
Fraction of inputs allocated to land maintenance | falm | discontinuing_land_maintenance | agricultural_inputs , land_fertility_regeneration |
Food ratio | fr | discontinuing_land_maintenance | |
Perceived food ratio | pfr | discontinuing_land_maintenance | |
Nonrenewable resources | nr | non_renewable | |
Nonrenewable resource usage rate | nrur | non_renewable | |
Nonrenewable resource usage factor | nruf | non_renewable | |
Per capita resource usage multiplier | pcrum | non_renewable | persistent_pollution |
Nonrenewable resource fraction remaining | nrfr | non_renewable | |
Fraction of capital allocated to obtaining resources | fcaor | non_renewable | industrial_subsector |
fcaor before pyear | fcaor1 | non_renewable | |
fcaor after pyear | fcaor2 | non_renewable | |
Persistent pollution generation rate | ppgr | persistent_pollution | |
Persistent pollution generation factor | ppgf | persistent_pollution | |
ppgf before pyear | ppgf1 | persistent_pollution | |
ppgf after pyear | ppgf2 | persistent_pollution | adaptive_technological_control_cards |
Persistent pollution generated by industrial output | ppgio | persistent_pollution | |
Persistent pollution generated by agricultural output | ppgao | persistent_pollution | |
Persistent pollution appearance rate | ppapr | persistent_pollution | |
| ppapr1 | persistent_pollution | |
| ppapr2 | persistent_pollution | |
| ppapr3 | persistent_pollution | |
Persistent pollution | ppol | persistent_pollution | |
Index of persistent pollution | ppolx | persistent_pollution | land_fertility_degradation , pollution_damage , death_rate |
Persistent pollution assimilation rate | ppasr | persistent_pollution | |
Assimilation half-life multiplier | ahlm | persistent_pollution | |
Assimilation half-life | ahl | persistent_pollution | |
Lifetime multiplier from persistent pollution | lmp | pollution_damage | adaptive_technological_control_cards |
Land fertility degradation rate | lfdr | pollution_damage | |
Fraction of output in agriculture | foa | supplementary_equations | |
Fraction of output in industry | foi | supplementary_equations | |
Fraction of output in services | fos | supplementary_equations | |
Variable name | Table | Range | System |
$\mathtt{ifpc1}$ | $(230.0, 480.0, 690.0, 850.0, 970.0, 1070.0, 1150.0, 1210.0, 1250.0)$ | $(0, 1600)$ | Agriculture |
$\mathtt{ifpc2}$ | $(230.0, 480.0, 690.0, 850.0, 970.0, 1070.0, 1150.0, 1210.0, 1250.0)$ | $(0, 1600)$ | Agriculture |
$\mathtt{fioaa1}$ | $(0.4, 0.2, 0.1, 0.025, 0.0, 0.0)$ | $(0.0, 2.5)$ | Agriculture |
$\mathtt{fioaa2}$ | $(0.4, 0.2, 0.1, 0.025, 0.0, 0.0)$ | $(0.0, 2.5)$ | Agriculture |
$\mathtt{dcph}$ | $(100000.0, 7400.0, 5200.0, 3500.0, 2400.0, 1500.0, 750.0, 300.0, 150.0, 75.0, 50.0)$ | $(0, 1)$ | Agriculture |
$\mathtt{lymc}$ | $(1.0, 3.0, 3.8, 4.4, 4.9, 5.4, 5.7, 6.0, 6.3, 6.6, 6.9, 7.2, 7.4, 7.6, 7.8, 8.0, 8.2, 8.4, 8.6, 8.8, 9.0, 9.2, 9.4, 9.6, 9.8, 10.0)$ | $(0, 1000)$ | Agriculture |
$\mathtt{lymap1}$ | $(1.0, 1.0, 0.7, 0.4)$ | $(0, 30)$ | Agriculture |
$\mathtt{lymap2}$ | $(1.0, 1.0, 0.7, 0.4)$ | $(0, 30)$ | Agriculture |
$\mathtt{fiald}$ | $(0.0, 0.05, 0.15, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.85, 0.95, 1.0)$ | $(0, 2)$ | Agriculture |
$\mathtt{mlymc}$ | $(0.075, 0.03, 0.015, 0.011, 0.009, 0.009, 0.007, 0.006, 0.005, 0.005, 0.005, 0.005, 0.005, 0.005, 0.005, 0.005)$ | $(0, 600)$ | Agriculture |
$\mathtt{llmy1}$ | $(1.2, 1.0, 0.63, 0.36, 0.16, 0.055, 0.04, 0.025, 0.015, 0.01)$ | $(0, 9)$ | Agriculture |
$\mathtt{llmy2}$ | $(1.2, 1.0, 0.63, 0.36, 0.16, 0.055, 0.04, 0.025, 0.015, 0.01)$ | $(0, 9)$ | Agriculture |
$\mathtt{uilpc}$ | $(0.005, 0.008, 0.015, 0.025, 0.04, 0.055, 0.07, 0.08, 0.09)$ | $(0, 1600)$ | Agriculture |
$\mathtt{lfdr}$ | $(0.0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5)$ | $(0, 30)$ | Agriculture |
$\mathtt{lfrt}$ | $(20.0, 13.0, 8.0, 4.0, 2.0, 2.0)$ | $(0, 0.1)$ | Agriculture |
$\mathtt{falm}$ | $(0.0, 0.04, 0.07, 0.09, 0.1)$ | $(0, 4)$ | Agriculture |
$\mathtt{fioaa}$ | $(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1)$ | $(1900, 2000)$ | Capital |
$\mathtt{fioas2}$ | $(0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.0)$ | $(0, 2)$ | Capital |
$\mathtt{fioas1}$ | $(0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.0)$ | $(0, 2)$ | Capital |
$\mathtt{isopc1}$ | $(40.0, 300.0, 640.0, 1000.0, 1220.0, 1450.0, 1650.0, 1800.0, 2000.0)$ | $(0, 1600)$ | Capital |
$\mathtt{isopc2}$ | $(40.0, 300.0, 640.0, 1000.0, 1220.0, 1450.0, 1650.0, 1800.0, 2000.0)$ | $(0, 1600)$ | Capital |
$\mathtt{fioacv}$ | $(0.3, 0.32, 0.34, 0.36, 0.38, 0.43, 0.73, 0.77, 0.81, 0.82, 0.83)$ | $(0, 2)$ | Capital |
$\mathtt{cuf}$ | $(1.0, 0.9, 0.7, 0.3, 0.1, 0.1)$ | $(1, 11)$ | Capital |
$\mathtt{jpicu}$ | $(0.37, 0.18, 0.12, 0.09, 0.07, 0.06)$ | $(50, 800)$ | Capital |
$\mathtt{jph}$ | $(2.0, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.27, 0.24, 0.2, 0.2)$ | $(2, 30)$ | Capital |
$\mathtt{aiph}$ | $(5.0, 11.0, 21.0, 34.0, 58.0, 86.0, 123.0, 61.0, 23.0, 8.0, 3.0)$ | $(1900, 2100)$ | Capital |
$\mathtt{al}$ | $(9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 13.0, 16.0, 20.0, 23.0, 24.0, 24.0, 24.0, 24.0)$ | $(1900, 2100)$ | Capital |
$\mathtt{jpscu}$ | $(1.1, 0.6, 0.35, 0.2, 0.15, 0.15)$ | $(50, 800)$ | Capital |
$\mathtt{pop}$ | $(1.65, 1.73, 1.8, 2.1, 2.3, 2.55, 3.0, 3.65, 4.0, 4.6, 5.15)$ | $(1900, 2000)$ | Capital |
$\mathtt{fcaor}$ | $(0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05)$ | $(1900, 2000)$ | Capital |
$\mathtt{pcrum}$ | $(0.0, 0.85, 2.6, 4.4, 5.4, 6.2, 6.8, 7.0, 7.0)$ | $(0, 1600)$ | NonRenewable |
$\mathtt{fcaor1}$ | $(1.0, 0.9, 0.7, 0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05)$ | $(0, 1)$ | NonRenewable |
$\mathtt{fcaor2}$ | $(1.0, 0.9, 0.7, 0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05)$ | $(0, 1)$ | NonRenewable |
$\mathtt{ahlm}$ | $(1.0, 11.0, 21.0, 31.0, 41.0)$ | $(1, 1001)$ | Pollution |
$\mathtt{pcrum}$ | $(17.0, 30.0, 52.0, 78.0, 138.0, 280.0, 480.0, 660.0, 700.0, 700.0, 700.0)$ | $(1900, 2100)$ | Pollution |
$\mathtt{pop}$ | $(16.0, 19.0, 22.0, 31.0, 42.0, 53.0, 67.0, 86.0, 109.0, 139.0, 176.0)$ | $(1900, 2100)$ | Pollution |
$\mathtt{aiph}$ | $(6.6, 11.0, 20.0, 34.0, 57.0, 97.0, 168.0, 290.0, 495.0, 845.0, 1465.0)$ | $(1900, 2100)$ | Pollution |
$\mathtt{al}$ | $(9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 13.0, 16.0, 20.0, 24.0, 26.0, 27.0, 27.0, 27.0)$ | $(1900, 2100)$ | Pollution |
$\mathtt{pctcm}$ | $(0.0, -0.05)$ | $(0, 0.1)$ | Pollution |
$\mathtt{lmp1}$ | $(1.0, 0.99, 0.97, 0.95, 0.90, 0.85, 0.75, 0.65, 0.55, 0.40, 0.20)$ | $(0, 100)$ | Pollution |
$\mathtt{lmp2}$ | $(1.0, 0.99, 0.97, 0.95, 0.90, 0.85, 0.75, 0.65, 0.55, 0.40, 0.20)$ | $(0, 100)$ | Pollution |
$\mathtt{lfdr1}$ | $(0.0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5)$ | $(0, 30)$ | Pollution |
$\mathtt{lfdr2}$ | $(0.0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5)$ | $(0, 30)$ | Pollution |
$\mathtt{cmi}$ | $(0.5, 0.05, -0.1, -0.08, -0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2)$ | $(0, 1600)$ | Population |
$\mathtt{fpu}$ | $(0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.58, 0.65, 0.72, 0.78, 0.8)$ | $(0, 16e9)$ | Population |
$\mathtt{hsapc}$ | $(0.0, 20.0, 50.0, 95.0, 140.0, 175.0, 200.0, 220.0, 230.0)$ | $(0.0, 2000.0)$ | Population |
$\mathtt{lmf}$ | $(0.0, 1.0, 1.2, 1.3, 1.35, 1.4)$ | $(0.0, 5.0)$ | Population |
$\mathtt{lmhs1}$ | $(1.0, 1.1, 1.4, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8)$ | $(0.0, 100.0)$ | Population |
$\mathtt{lmhs2}$ | $(1.0, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 1.95, 2.0)$ | $(0.0, 100.0)$ | Population |
$\mathtt{lmp}$ | $(1.0, 0.99, 0.97, 0.95, 0.9, 0.85, 0.75, 0.65, 0.55, 0.4, 0.2)$ | $(0.0, 100.0)$ | Population |
$\mathtt{fm}$ | $(0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.05, 1.1)$ | $(0.0, 80.0)$ | Population |
$\mathtt{cmple}$ | $(3.0, 2.1, 1.6, 1.4, 1.3, 1.2, 1.1, 1.05, 1.0)$ | $(0.0, 80.0)$ | Population |
$\mathtt{sfsn}$ | $(1.25, 1.0, 0.9, 0.8, 0.75)$ | $(0.0, 800.0)$ | Population |
$\mathtt{frsn}$ | $(0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.85, 1.0)$ | $(-0.2, 0.2)$ | Population |
$\mathtt{fce}$ | $(0.75, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 0.98, 0.99, 1.0)$ | $(0.0, 3.0)$ | Population |
$\mathtt{fsafc}$ | $(0.0, 0.005, 0.015, 0.025, 0.03, 0.035)$ | $(0.0, 10.0)$ | Population |
$\mathtt{m1}$ | $(0.0567, 0.0366, 0.0243, 0.0155, 0.0082, 0.0023, 0.001)$ | $(20, 80)$ | Population |
$\mathtt{m2}$ | $(0.0266, 0.0171, 0.0110, 0.0065, 0.0040, 0.0016, 0.0008)$ | $(20, 80)$ | Population |
$\mathtt{m3}$ | $(0.0562, 0.0373, 0.0252, 0.0171, 0.0118, 0.0083, 0.006)$ | $(20, 80)$ | Population |
$\mathtt{m4}$ | $(0.13, 0.11, 0.09, 0.07, 0.06, 0.05, 0.04)$ | $(20, 80)$ | Population |